Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?

They both were drunk but when he is drunk he flirts alot and i've told him this before. He also knows that all my past relationships have ended b/c i was cheated on. I really love him but i have zero trust in him now and don't know what to do?What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?The drunk excuse is just that, an excuse. No matter how drunk a person gets they know what's going on, at least enough to know NOT to cheat. If your situation were mine, I would ditch him quick.What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?
Well its your choice if you wanna forgive him and continue the relationship or if you can't forgive him and wanna dump him and move on. Being drunk isn't a very good excuse to kiss someone else.

Last january me and my bf of 6 years were having some problems and one night he was out with his guy friend and a female friend. I met her one time and always had a bad feeling about her so I never liked her. My bf said they were just friends which I believed cause he never done anything before. But that night she kissed my bf. As soon as it happened my bf told me of course I was upset and was mad at him for awhile but I forgave him. Till this day it makes me sick to think about it but I know it was a mistake. And he loves me. He told me he would never ever do anything like that to me again and he still beats himself up about.

So...its really up to you if you think he will never do it again give him another chance. If not move on.What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?Ummm well what I would do is be mad at him and maybe ignore him for a while to make it clear what he did was wrong.. Maybe you should talk to him after about gaining trust in your guys relationship and make it clear that if he is willing to keep this relationship with you than he needs to stop drinking or atleast not hang around with girls when hes drunk. I hope everything works out for you guys.What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?
o come on he new what he was doing once a cheater allway's a cheater.............and lets give him the benefit of the doubt say he was drunk he should have never put him self in that predicament to drink and get drunk becuse like you said you told him how he acts when he's drunk i think you should break up with himWhat should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?Getting drunk and stupid does not justify cheating. If my boyfriend made out with a girl I hated, I wouldn't think twice about dumping him.What should I do if I found out that one night my Boyfriend and some girl I hate kissed?
Dump him

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